Sunday, January 25, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's already Monday????? Where did the weekend go? Anyway, Mckmama started the not me Mondays and it's pretty fun. This is my 3rd installment. If you want to read more, then go here.

First of all, I am NOT writing this on Sunday night. That would be silly...this is a Not Me MONDAY post.

I did not let my 5 seniors in Spanish 3 talk me into taking them on a 'field trip' to Bara's in Vernon for lunch with the distance learning teacher and his 15 Spanish 3 kids from Petrolia. They did not tell me how to drive the suburban, either, nor did they almost get me ran over. Nope, not me!!

I did not make the Army recruiter, who was here to give the ASVAB scores, wait for 30 minutes while we were not still at Bara's. That would just be rude. She was not nice about it though.

Those same kids did not tell the waiters at Bara's that it was the Spanish teacher's birthday...if they had done that, then the waiters would have come out and sang to him and embarrassed him. High school kids would NEVER do that to their teacher!!

I did not have to get on to a neighborhood kid that was chasing Erick and threatening to take his rip-stick. He was not rude to me, either......Just because I'm a teacher/counselor doesn't mean that I want to make every child in my sight behave.

I did not secretly say to myself, please let there be an ice storm so we could have a day off from school. A Monday at home would be soooooo good!! If I had said that my husband would be really mad because that might mean that he would have to go and work out in the storm to fix people's electricity. Nope, not me!!

That's all for now. I'm sure there are other things that I did not do, but I can't remember right now. I'll look forward to reading your Not Me! Monday!


Charla (SHar-la) said...

That's hilarious! I thought the same thing this morning, too...please no school, I need sleep!

Lacy said...

You forgot to put that you did not tell me to watch out for the huge truck three feet behind my car when we were leaving Honeyma's....remember? I hadn't even started the car yet and you did NOT already start telling me how to drive especially when I've had my license for several years and am fully aware of how to've gotten stopped more times than me anyway!!!!

Unknown said...

Lacy....that is absolutely not true!!!I never tell you how to drive....or tell you how to do anything for that matter!! :)I'm not in charge of you anymore...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for the wonderful comment. I see you're quite a busy lady. We have 2 very social seventeen year olds so it seems we are running constantly to this or that.

As for ice and snow? I'm over it already for the year, we're estimated to have another 6-8 inches tonight so I may be snowed in tomorrow. That is no fun. We both work at the hospital and absolutely have to go into work no matter what. Aaaggggghhhhhhh.

One of these days I want to move to Arizona though.

Again, thanks for visiting and have a great week.